Friday, 21 January 2011

Tinned Peaches

First gig of the year is in the can. We had a pleasant evening in the Mello Mello, albeit a long one. I think that by the time I got onto stage I was a little more “relaxed” than was optimum. Still, I think we got away with it.

It was a long night though, so thanks to everyone who came along and stuck it out until the bitter end. Thanks also to everyone who came along with the intention of sticking it out until the bitter end but had to go home. We won’t hold it against you. It’s a lovely feeling to see people who have turned up specifically to see us perform. Gives me a warm feeling in my belly.

Set list for the night went thus:

1. Curtains

2. Lips Limbs Lungs

3. Facts

4. Hell Jim Hell

5. More

6. Dull Boy

7. Sanity Check

We’re changing it for the next few gigs and it will go a little something like this:

1. Curtains

2. Dull Boy

3. Facts

4. Another Man’s Dirt (new)

5. Dead Dog (Texas Sex Club Mix)

6. Lips Limbs Lungs

7. Sanity Check

A bit of a change and some new ones. Got to keep ourselves on our respective toes.

Our calendar has been filling up nicely. Here’s what is in it so far:

1. Dance on Toast at Mello Mello – 19th January DONE!

2. Shipping Forecast – 5th February

3. Shipping Forecast – 17th February

4. The Herald in Southport – 26th February

5. Ducie Bridge in Manchester – 4th March

I think that we are planning to put on one of our own nights in March, so watch this space. Or one of the other spaces which we have. Watch the spaces.